Vermont's Universal Recycling Law (Act 148) bans recyclables from the landfill. These are the ONLY materials that should go in the blue-bin/mixed recycling bin:

Looking for guidance on what to do with a material not listed here? Check out our A-Z Guide and our Special Recycling page.

Blue Bin Recycling is accepted at all 5 LRSWMD Drop-off Stations.

per 15 gallons $1.00
per cubic yard $14.00
per ton $160.00

Looking for private hauling services? Click here.

Please, not in your bin!

Real people haul and sort the things you put in your recycling bin. When you put the wrong things in, it can make their job very dangerous. Read more about common MRF mishaps here and about common items that get caught in the machinery, called “tanglers” here.

Ever wondered what happens to your recycling after you drop it off? Check out the video about the MRF (materials recovery facility) in Williston, where LRSWMD’s recycling goes for sorting.