Waste Motor Oil

Year Round Drop Off Locations

O’Reilly Auto Parts - Morrisville

*Accepts up to 5 gallons per person
per day of waste motor oil or
transmission fluid. No coolant.

Bourne’s Service System - Morrisville

Pete’s Equipment and Sales - Morrisville

Dale “Chip” Percy - Stowe
(802)253-8503 -or- (802)253-7283

Willie’s Auto Garage - Stowe

Always store used oil:

  • In a well sealed container made of compatible material and labelled “used oil”.

  • Within a structure that is sheltered from rain or snow that is built on an impervious surface (i.e. asphalt, concrete), NEVER bare ground.

Uses for used oil:

  • Energy recovery: sent off site to be re-blended and burned.

  • Refined for use as a lubricant on chains, tools, or other machinary.

  • Burned in on-site used oil space heating equipment.

Used oil CANNOT be: Disposed of down the drain, applied to roads for dust control, disposed of in the trash, or mixed with other hazardous wastes. It is strongly encouraged that oil filters are disposed of as hazardous waste. Some spent oil filters are exempt as hazardous waste ONLY if they are managed according to VHWMR. Click here to learn more.

Just one gallon of improperly disposed of used motor oil can contaminate up to 1 million gallons of water, so it’s important to dispose of it properly.