A Hauler’s License, to be renewed annually, is required for any person to collect, transfer, or transport solid waste, which includes trash, recycling and compostables, generated or delivered within LRSWMD district towns. If you are a hauler seeking to get licensed in the LRSWMD district, please fill out the following documents:
2025 Application
VPR (Variable Rate Pricing) Form
Monthly Tonnage Report Form*
Please submit both documents either by mail to 29 Sunset Drive, #5, Morrisville, VT 05661 or by email to
Please be advised that there is a $25 licensing fee.
*Once licensed, we require a monthly tonnage report using this form, which you can send to us by mail.
If you have any questions, feel free to give us a call at 802-888-7317.
Vermont Waste Hauler’s Permit
In addition to the above licensing requirement, all haulers are also required by law to obtain a Waste Hauler’s Permit from the Agency of Natural Resources. Permits are issued as underlying 5-year permits with conditions, and are required to be renewed on an annual basis with current vehicle information. Renewals are due by May 1st every year for the upcoming July 1 – June 30th permit year. For more info, see here.
Any party intending to haul solid waste (includes food waste), regulated medical waste, recyclables, or residual waste on Vermont roadways for compensation, must obtain a waste hauling permit from the Agency of Natural Resources (ANR). Any person transporting regulated quantities of hazardous waste also requires a permit. Permits allow ANR to hold waste haulers accountable for practicing safe and environmentally sound transportation methods and following through with delivering the waste materials to appropriate destinations.
Note that there is no longer a “1-ton” exemption. If your business or side job is hauling waste (such as a trash: food waste or recycling “route;” trash drop; trash trailer rentals; cleanouts; septic pumping or portable toilets) you need a permit. If hauling waste is incidental to your business – such as a property manager or handyperson – you can haul loads of up to 4 cubic yards of waste (such as a pickup or small utility trailer) without a permit. Self-hauling solid waste does not require a permit because it is not for compensation – unless it is hazardous waste.