Hardcover - $1.00 per 15 gal.
Softcover - Mixed recycling fees apply.
Share the joy by donating your books!
Libraries often host an annual book sale and/or they may accept books for donation year-round. Call your local library to see if they’re interested and what their book donation criteria are (don’t bring books by without checking in first!)
Craftsbury Public Library - 802-586-9683
Johnson Public Library - 802-635-7141
Lanpher Memorial Library (Hyde Park) - 802-888-4628
Morristown Centennial Library - 802-888-3853
Stowe Free Library - 802-253-6145
Varnum Memorial Library (Jeffersonville/Cambridge) - 802-644-2117
Wolcott Public Library - 802-888-9808
Other donation options include:
ReSource, Hyde Park - 802-851-8333
VT Book Recycling
Buying used books is a great way to save money and to contribute to a circular economy. Check out this list from Readers Digest for 15 Places to Find Cheap Books Online.
Looking for an in-person used book sale? Look no further.
And don’t forget to take advantage of our amazing local libraries!