Please, not in your recycling bin!

Polystyrene (also known as Styrofoam(c)) is not accepted in recycling in Vermont. This includes packaging and foam peanuts.


Regular household trash fees apply.


See if someone else could use them:
•If you know any small business owners, or have friends who have online stores, offer your used packing peanuts to them.
•Consider offering them up on Front Porch Forum or Facebook Marketplace.

Reuse at home with these creative ideas from Treehugger:
Make your toolbox safer: If you have pointy tools like razor blades, screwdrivers, or sharp scissors, reaching into your toolbox may be dangerous. Slide a packing peanut onto the sharp tip to prevent injuries. 
Protect painted walls from damage: Hanging frames may scuff the paint on your walls. To protect painted walls from damage, glue a packing peanut on the back of each corner of the frame. 
As a cooler insulator: Since EPS is an excellent insulator, add it to your cooler along with ice to keep it cold for longer periods of time. Just make sure your food and beverages are packaged safely.